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Meet your spiritual money guide.
Watch your abundance grow.


Wednesday, February 7 at 7:00pm CST. 

During this guided healing journey, you'll identify your most prominent reason for pushing away wealth.

Together, we’ll open the Akashic Records and sever the attachment to this old money belief and replace it with new, elevated energy.

After creating space in your energetic body, you’ll be introduced to your very own money guide. This guide continues to work with and support you after the journey is complete.

Meeting your money guide is a life changing step to calling in abundance.

This is a healing, enlightening experience. One that you will carry with you, and think back to forever.

Vanessa J. Love is a natural healer and channel for money, wealth, and abundance. This beloved journey is only offered once a year and is celebrated for its ability to create a lasting energetic clearing and bridge to our higher wisdom.

Join me for this healing journey to meet your money guide and set a new foundation for calling in wealth and abundance!


You hold money stories, beliefs, blocks, and karma that your conscious mind is not aware of - and it's holding you back from bring in the abundance you desire! Energetic support in the form of guides is all around you. All you have to do is invite them in.

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The day I met my money guide, my life changed forever.


I was in my office trying to work when I heard the voice of a guide urging me to rest.

At first, I resisted the voice.

I was operating on an old story. "I must work more if I want to make more money." The idea of taking a break filled me with anxiety.

Eventually, I gave in. I spent the rest of the day with my daughter, watching movies and consciously resting without guilt. Instead of fretting about what I wasn't getting done, I felt gratitude and appreciation for the experience.

Later that evening, while snuggled into bed, I connected again with the voice that told me to rest.

It was the voice of my money guide.

At that moment, I received information from my guide that changed my life forever. I went from food stamps to $130,000 in 12 months.

The old belief that more work = more money unraveled that day, and I understood I needed to rest as much as I work. This wisdom continues to bring me abundance to this day, thanks to my money guide.

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What We’ll Do

#1 Identify and sever a cord to an old money story or belief that is causing you to push away abundance
#2 Heal and create a new money story
#3 Call in, greet, and learn how to work with your very own money guide

How does it work?

The Akashic Records are a portal to our personal timeline. We open the records and take a journey through an activation.
A guided journey is deeply healing experience. It brings forth information that we can’t always see in our concious life. You'll experience a cord cutting clearing, and then you will receive healing energy.
This is special and vital to the process. We tend to have an adversion to receiving, which is problematic when we want to RECEIVE abundance. ✨

What you’ll take away:

  • Feel more refreshed, clear, and light, especially around your relationship to money and abundance
  • Severing of past stories, beliefs, and attitudes about money
  • An understanding of how easy, or difficult it is, for you to receive
  • Clarity around how to move forward
  • A deeper respect for your intuition and how it guides you
  • A relationship with your own, personal money guide that will benefit you for years to come

Join me for this FREE Guided Healing Journey and meet your money guide!

Wednesday, February 7th at 7:00pm Central Time
(8pm EST / 5pm PST)

Sign up to attend live and to receive the replay if you can't make it!