$250.00 USD

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Psychic Reiki Healing

Everything is energy. We are all made of vibration and light.

There is no such thing as time and space. We're all one, and everything is happening NOW. 

It's because of that very truth, that Energy healing, Energy Medicine and Psychic Surgery is possible. 

During the Psychic Reiki Session you will receive the Universal Life Force Energy that is present all around us, constantly. Your body is extremely intelligent and will be a part of moving this energy into the places and spaces where physical healing is needed. 

However Reiki heals on ALL levels, physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual. 

Your body talks, and I listen. I'm bilingual. I speak english and energy. I'm clairvoyant. I SEE where there are issues as well as triumphs! Your body talks...I listen an convey to you the best possible way to give yourself the medicine you need moving forward.

Playing in the quantum is where I'm the most aligned and open, ready to bring out the knowledge that benefits you the most. 

This session is one hour and is done distantly via Zoom